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St. Andrew's, College Park

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Community prayer and worship are at the heart of what we do at St. Andrew's. At least once a week, we gather together to hear God's word proclaimed in scripture, song, and sermon, and to celebrate Christ's presence among us in the sacrament of Holy Communion.

The mission of St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church of College Park is to be a welcoming and supportive community of faith which offers itself to the Lord Jesus Christ in corporate worship which has a special care for all of God’s children in its neighborhood and which stimulates its members to be open to God’s call to risk, to grow, and to use their gifts in service to others.

In support of our mission, the members of St. Andrew’s strive to:

Provide a supportive environment for open communications within our parish
Experience more deeply the Christian tradition
Provide opportunities for new people to enter into this community
Rediscover continually that we belong to each other and are one in Christ
Participate wholeheartedly in corporate worship
Know and care about all individuals in our parish
Familiarize ourselves with, and serve human needs within parish boundaries
Develop a positive relationship between the parish and the college community
Grow in our awareness of, and response to, societal needs beyond the parish
Strengthen our relationship with the diocese.

Worship times

8:00 am
10:30 am
12:00 pm


University of Maryland Episcopal/Anglican Campus Ministry

Faith Formation

The Episcopal Campus Ministry is a group of students at the University of Maryland who come together to worship and create community. We seek to engage a changing world with an enduring faith in Jesus Christ so that more may know God's love. We do this by growing Christian community, connecting spirituality to everyday life and supporting activities that create justice.

The campus chaplain is Teresa Terry, contact at

Warm Nights shelter program

Shelter and Housing

Warm Nights is a shelter program for the homeless (men, women, and children) run by the Prince George's County government and using church buildings and volunteers. Each congregation houses their guests for the night and feeds them dinner and breakfast. St. Andrew's participates in this program with a week in February.

Loafs and fishes cafe meal program

Meal Programs

St. Andrew's Loaves and Fishes Cafe opens its doors from 1:00 to 2:30 pm on the first Sunday of each month, offering lunch to the low-income and homeless in the parish neighborhood. Volunteers are needed in all areas.

St Andrew's Thrift Shop

Donation Coordination/Distribution

Located in the basement of the Parish Hall, St. Andrew's Thrift Shop is open every Thursday 10 am to 2 pm and the first Saturday of each month 10 am to 2 pm. The Thrift Shop sells seasonal clothing at very reasonable prices, books, household goods, toys, etc. Proceeds from the Thrift Shop benefit programs of St. Andrew's Church.

News about St. Andrew's, College Park

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4512 College Ave
College Park, MD 20740-3302
United States

Email address


The Rev. Michael P. Barham


Organized groups

Adult faith formation
College student group
Eucharistic Ministers/Visitors
Youth faith formation/Sunday school