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Calvary Episcopal Church

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Calvary Episcopal Church is the only Episcopal Church in Sedalia, Missouri, a community of 21,000 people. The congregation was established in 1866 and the building dates to the late 1880s. 

The physical plant is well cared for. Entrance to the common room, Church office, and worship space is accessible including a ramp and automatic door on the east side of the building. The communion rail is accessible to those who cannot climb steps. The fellowship hall and kitchen are in the basement level which is accessible via a stair-glide chair.

The building is equipped with WiFi and an AED is located in the common room.

The Church has a large parking lot and small green space which includes seating and a picnic table. A columbarium for the inurnment of cremated remains is located on site. There is also a St. Francis scatter garden for cremated pet remains. 

There is a modern, safe nursery and play room located on the second floor of the parish hall. The nursery is staffed by a child care professional. The nursery is provided for the convenience of families. Children of all ages are always welcomed in worship.


Worship times

9:00 am
Worship is welcoming to all persons. We have talented musicians in both our choir and playing our pipe organ and piano. You may join via Facebook Live at 8:55 a.m. on Sundays to enjoy the organ prelude. Worship will begin at 9:00 am. Coffee fellowship or brunch follows worship.

NOTE: on the FIFTH Sunday of the month, worship is shared with Christ and Trinity Lutheran Church. We alternate 5th Sunday worship between our location and 2101 W. 32nd Street. Please see the Calvary website for information about 5th Sunday locations and times.
9:00 am
Calvary Episcopal has broad-Church liturgy. Our music includes a choir and two beautiful instruments - a pipe organ and an upright grand piano. We welcome all to join us, wherever you may be on your spiritual journey. Calvary Episcopal Sedalia, MO and may be found at



Arts & Culture

Calvary Episcopal Church supports an active music ministry. Along with the church choir, which sings each Sunday, music lessons are conducted at the church by the choir director and the organist.

Calvary is host to a concert during the annual Scott Joplin Festival (first week following Memorial Day). The concert in 2020 will be held on Saturday May 30th at 2:00 pm. It is free and open to the public and will feature the Ragtime Trio + One.


Mission Trips and Partnerships

Sedalia, Mo., has a strong Latinx community and this community supports several congregations.  Calvary Episcopal Church shares space with Lighthouse Pentecostal Church, a congregation comprised mainly of young Latinx families who live in and around Sedalia.  This church uses the entire building on Sunday afternoons and holds Bible study in the fellowship hall on Tuesday evenings.  Worship begins at 3:00 pm on Sunday afternoon.

Pastor Pete Contreras

Pastor of Lighthouse Assembly

Wednesday Adult Formation

Faith Formation

Adult Formation via Zoom Wednesday evenings from 7:00-8:00 pm. Please contact the Church for more inforation. 

Mother Anne Kyle


Warming Shelter

Shelter and Housing

Calvary sponsors the Friends Team to serve at the Warming Shelter up to 4 nights per month each winter. The shelter is located at St. Patrick's Chapel, 4th and Washington in Sedalia.


Allies and support of LGBTQ+ organization

PFLAG ​is the nation's largest organization dedicated to supporting, educating, and advocating for LGBTQ+ people and those who love them. PFLAG Sedalia meets at Calvary. For more information email 

First Fruits Giving

Donation Coordination/Distribution

The first action of the vestry each month is to give away at least 3% of the previous month pledge and loose offering. These funds are typically given to local benevolent organizations including the food panty, local assistance org, school supply mission, abuse shelter, etc.

News about Calvary Episcopal Church

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713 S Ohio Ave
Corner of Broadway and Ohio Streets
Sedalia, MO 65301-4415
United States

Email address


The Rev. Anne Meredith Kyle


Ms. Stephanie Hull

Senior Warden

Ms. Shelley Hotsenpiller

Clerical Assistant to the Rector

Organized groups

Bible study
Eucharistic Ministers/Visitors
Lay pastoral care (e.g. Stephen Ministry, Community of Hope)
LGBTQ group
Men's group

Other community groups

Meals on Wheels
Open Door Benevolent Ministries and Food Pantry
Sedalia Warming Shelter/Mercy Rest Stop
Little Free Library
Little Free Pantry