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Edit Place St. Gabriel's Camp

Street address
If you don't know the coordinates, you can find coordinates by placing a point on a map. This place will display on maps at these coordinates.
If you don't know the coordinates, you can find coordinates by placing a point on a map. This place will display on maps at these coordinates.
Tell us about your community. You will be able to describe specific ministries elsewhere. This section is an opportunity to give a general overview of your unique expression of the Jesus Movement.
Move the cross hairs to set the most important part of the image so that peoples' heads are not cut off.
Preview sgab.png (168.52 KB)
Specify the focus of this image in the form "leftoffset,topoffset" where offsets are in percents. Ex: 25,75
Typical images may be an exterior shot of the building, or a photo of your community.