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Office of the Bishop of the Diocese of Arizona

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The Episcopal Diocese of Arizona is under the visionary and pastoral leadership of our Sixth Bishop, The Rt. Rev. Jennifer A. Reddall. The diocese was established in 1959, and today has more than 60 congregations, several excellent primary schools, and four college chaplaincies. We focus on church growth and development, Spanish-speaking and Native American ministries, and welcoming the newcomer. The parishioners in our diocese are a vibrant group of believers making a difference in countless ways throughout the state.

We exist to encourage and connect leaders as they grow Christ’s church.
Existimos para animar y conectar líderes a medida que crecen la iglesia de Cristo.


Sacred Ground Race Dialogue Circles”

Racial Reconciliation
Sacred Ground

     Sacred Ground is dialogue series on race, grounded in faith. Small groups are invited to walk through chapters of America’s history of race, racism, and whiteness while weaving in threads of family story, economic class, and political and regional identity. The 10-part series is built around a powerful online curriculum of documentary films and readings that focus on Indigenous, Black, Latino, and Asian/Pacific American histories as they intersect with European American histories.

     Sacred Ground is a resource coming out of Becoming Beloved Community, The Episcopal Church’s long-term commitment to racial healing, reconciliation, and justice in our personal lives, our ministries, and our society. This series is especially designed to help white people talk with other white people, while being open to all racial/ethnic groups. Participants are invited to peel away the layers that have contributed to the challenges and divides of the present day – all while grounded in our call to faith, hope and love.

News about Office of the Bishop of the Diocese of Arizona

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Episcopal Evangelism Grants 2024
Office of the Bishop of the Diocese of Arizona, Phoenix, AZ

2024 Episcopal Evangelism Grant Recipient - Opening Doors: A Multi-Channel Evangelism Campaign for Arizona’s Diverse Communities

More than 30 projects—ranging from digital ministries to art shows to immigrant outreach—have been approved for Episcopal Church evangelism grants totaling $123,800. The Executive Council’s Executive Committee approved the grants in December, benefiting dioceses across the U.S.
