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Agency for New Americans

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Agency for New Americans is a local affiliate of Episcopal Migration Ministries, the refugee resettlement service of the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of The Episcopal Church. Located in Boise, in the Episcopal Diocese of Idaho, Agency for New Americans provides a safe haven for refugees resettled in Boise, caring for their most vital needs and providing the training and skills they require to thrive in years to come. Through partnerships and collaboration with the community, including Episcopal churches, Agency for New Americans has served as a model of successful resettlement and integration.

Agency for New Americans' staff are fluent in the following languages: Arabic, Bembe, Chiluba, Dari, English, French, German, Lingala, Nyaga, Serbo-Croatian, Swahili, and Spanish.

Agency for New Americans partners with many community organizations and institutions, including, but not limited to: Boise State University; City of Boise Mayor’s Office; Family Medicine Health Center; Federal Way Clinic; Care Clinic at St. Alphonsus Hospital; Tidwell Social Services; Venture 58; Valley Regional Transit; Usful Glassworks; Full Circle; Idaho Department of Labor; Global Talent Idaho; Boise School District.

Volunteer opportunities

One time opportunities
Ongoing commitment opportunities

Agency for New Americans works in partnership with the community partners, congregations, and volunteers to carry out its work welcoming refugees to Boise.
From providing space for English or job skills classes, to mentoring refugee children, practicing English skills with parents, assisting single mothers with childcare, or accompanying a family on their first trip to an American grocery store, opportunities abound for you and your congregation to make a positive impact on the life of a family and on your wider community.
Contact Christina Bruce-Bennion, director of Agency for New Americans, at for more information.


Resettlement Services

Immigration Services

With support from Episcopal Migration Ministries, Agency for New Americans provides services for newly arriving refugees to help them put down roots in their first months in the United States. This includes securing and fully furnishing an apartment for an arriving family; picking up an arriving family at the airport; and ensuring a culturally appropriate meal awaits the family at their new home, right when they arrive. Food is provided for the family until they can provide their own food; seasonal clothing and footwear is provided for each member of the family (including diapers for infants & toddlers) upon arrival. The family is assisted in applying for assistance and services for which they are eligible; each member of the family receives a health assessment. Children are enrolled in school and adults are enrolled in English and cultural orientation classes. Work-ready adults receive employment services and assistance in applying for and securing a job. 

Employment Services

Economic Development

With support from Episcopal Migration Ministries and the Matching Grant program of the Office of Refugee Resettlement (Department of Health and Human Services), Agency for New Americans offers extended employment services to clients, ensuring they will successfully secure employment to support their families and become financially self-sufficient. 

Preferred Communities

Immigration Services

With support from Episcopal Migration Ministries and the Preferred Communities program of the Office of Refugee Resettlement (Department of Health and Human Services), Agency for New Americans provides intensive case management services for refugees with mental health needs and group activities for women at risk.

Support for Single Parents

Immigration Services

Agency for New Americans connects single parents to child care options through partnership with the Niño Program and the Idaho Child Care Program.

News about Agency for New Americans

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1614 W. Jefferson Street
Boise, ID 83702
United States

Email address


Christina Bruce-Bennion

Other community groups

Boise State University
City of Boise Mayor’s Office
Family Medicine Health Center
Federal Way Clinic
Care Clinic at St. Alphonsus Hospital
Tidwell Social Services
Venture 58
Valley Regional Transit
Usful Glassworks
Full Circle
Idaho Department of Labor
Global Talent Idaho
Boise School District