St. Anselms Episcopal church
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What you can expect when you visit Saint Anselm’s is a friendly face to greet you and provide you with a worship booklet. Everything you need to participate will be right there in the booklet, so settle into a pew and make yourself at home. Please take your booklet home with you as it contains announcements and information about Saint Anselm's.
The Sacrament of Healing is offered at all services on the last weekend of the month.
Private Confession is by appointment.
For information regarding specific sacraments ( Baptisms, Confirmations, Weddings and Funerals) please contact the parish office at (631) 744-7730.
Worship times
Saint Anselm's Episcopal Church
Saint Anselm's Episcopal Church
Messy Church
Messy Church generally meets the Third Friday of each month in the parish hall from 6 to 8 p.m. Families with young children enjoy a relaxed evening including a bible story, a song, a craft, an activity and a shared meal.
Food Pantries
St. Anselm's Food Pantry is open Saturdays from 10 a.m. to Noon.
Aging, Health and Wellbeing
Meal Programs
Prison Services
4 Woodville Road
Shoreham, NY 11786
United States