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About Episcopal Veterans Fellowship
The Episcopal Veterans Fellowship (EVF) was born in 2009 in a resolution from General Convention to “Encourage the establishment of an Episcopal Veterans Fellowship for each diocese.” In 2014, with a blessing from the Rt. Rev. Andy Doyle and a grant from the Episcopal Evangelism Society, a group of veterans gathered at St. David’s Episcopal Church for a Pilgrimage of Remembrance and Reconciliation. Under the stained-glass window depicting St. Martin of Tours, the patron saint of veterans, they prayed for their friends who died in war and homecoming. By 2015, four parishes in the Diocese of Texas hosted EVF groups, a testament to the enthusiasm and dedication of those first members.
The EVF equips Christians for missional ministry to veterans through prayer, hospitality, and reconciliation. We offer educational workshops, consulting, and coaching so your Church can reach out with God’s love to the veterans who live in your community.