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St. Andrew's Episcopal Church of Manitou Springs

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Our congregation provides opportunities for people to seek meaning in life and become spiritually active in a Christian tradition that takes the Bible seriously in reasonable encounter, incorporates tradition and the contemporary in worship, respects every person on their spiritual path, and invites you to the challenge of engaging actively with people struggling with life's issues.

Worship times

10:00 am
It is a liturgy outlined in the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer, incorporating songs and prayers from many Christian flavors, in a hospitable, relaxed and joyful environment.
12:00 pm
Meditative Centering Prayer with the Holy Communion based on the Book of Common Prayer.

Volunteer opportunities

Ongoing commitment opportunities


Care & Share Manitou Springs Food Pantry

Food Pantries

Care & Share Manitou Springs Food Pantry assists Manitou Springs residents on 1pm - 2pm every Wednesday at the St. Andrew's Parish hall under the church building. Entrance doors will be located on the North side facing Canon Ave.

 Care & Share requires recipients to bring some sort of identification of residency in Manitou Springs. This is free food to help you in times of need. Wide arrange of food from milk, eggs, bread, fruits and vegetables.

Nicole Nicoletta


News about St. Andrew's Episcopal Church of Manitou Springs

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808 Manitou Ave
Manitou Springs, CO 80829
United States


Local episcopal partners

Organized groups

Godly Play
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)/Narcotics Anonymous/Twelve Step
Bible study

Other community groups

Care & Share Food Pantry
Silver Key Connections Café Senior Lunch Program