St. Peter's Episcopal Church
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St. Peter's Casa Grande practices the inclusive Gospel of Jesus the Christ.
This means that you may be gathering with tax collectors, thieves, adulterers, hypocrites, people of all gender identities, female and male priests, gays and lesbians, the disabled, the dying, kids that don't sit still; Native Americans, Latinx, Asians, Blacks and other minorities; bishops, bigots, heretics, agnostics, atheists; Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and strangers from foreign lands
- anyone like those with whom Jesus met and loves.
Be aware; this is not an exclusive club.
adapted from Kenneth Leech, St. Botolph's, Adgate, London
Worship times
Volunteer opportunities
Laundry Love always appreciates volunteers! Every month, St. Peter's or partner 0utreach organizations gather together at a local laundry facility, to wash the clothes of the homeless and those who need a little help to get on their feet. This program also offers new clothes to those it helps as well as any spiritual guidance they may need, which sometimes may just mean someone to talk to. The ministry sponsors the costs for the laundry for the people they seek to serve and share God's love.
News about St. Peter's Episcopal Church
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Ash Wednesday in a Laundromat
CASA GRANDE — With a bowl of ashes in hand, the Rev. Dave Rickert of St.
704 E. McMurray Blvd.
Casa Grande, AZ 85122
United States