Church of the Advent (Brookline)
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We are a small but vibrant, multi-generational Episcopal church that welcomes all, from life-long church members to those who are just beginning to explore a relationship with Christ. As a worshipping and serving community, we seek to proclaim the Good News and lead all people to Christ through Word and Sacrament.
Worship times
Christmas Dinner
For over 70 years, the Church of the Advent has hosted Christmas Day dinner for anyone in the community, feeding over 900 people each year.
We serve meals in the parish hall and also deliver to those who cannot come in person. As the event has grown, neighboring churches and others in Brookline and Beechview have now joined us!
News about Church of the Advent (Brookline)
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2023 New Episcopal Community Grant Recipient - Brookline Abbey, Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh
Discernment grant. These one-time grants—for up to $5,000—fund initiatives in discernment for a new project and may fund assessment, research, coaching, training, demographic studies, and more.
3010 Pioneer Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15226
United States