COVID-19 Responder Outreach Services Open
COVID-19 Response Outreach Services
Congregation Name or Asset Map Place
Christ Episcopal Church - CityHeart
Dayton, OH
Financial Assistance
Other: Emergency Financial Assistance for Rent and Utility, Referral Information For Additional Community Resources
This ministry is currently:
Open with Limits / Classified "Essential"
This ministry is currently accepting:
Financial Donations
If this program is closed, people may contact this neighboring organization for emergency services:
CityHeart Corporation
Contact Name
Kris Sexton
(937) 223-2489
The church building is temporarily closed due to the State of Ohio Stay at Home Order.
As an Essential Social Services provider, we could remain physically open but have determined to follow Sate and Federal guidelines to be physically closed for a period of time in an effort to stop community spread of the virus, and for the safety and well being of our staff, volunteers and the public.
The CityHeart staff is currently receiving requests for emergency assistance by phone and email. Information may be obtained at our website www.daytoncityheart.org and our Facebook page.