In Ohio, community meal programs were affected by COVID-19 when restaurants shut down and weren’t able to provide their surplus food. The Episcopal Diocese of Ohio found a solution by combining efforts of different diocesan ministries. Episcopal Relief & Development is able to partner with the diocese in serving 800 meals per week over the summer through their ministry called Feeding the Beloved Community, a collaboration between the diocese’s farm and four churches with deep community relationships. “I see God in the generosity and creativity of all of the people involved in making this program work,” said the Rt. Rev. Hollingsworth, bishop of the diocese. “We were able to integrate our farming and culinary internship program over at Bellwether Farm with the church feeding programs to make fresh, healthy food accessible.” Pictured on the newsletter header, an agriculture intern loads a vehicle with fresh produce to be delivered to a church partner. Bellwether Farm works with St. James Church in Painesville, Church of the Redeemer in Lorraine, St. Luke’s in Cleveland and Christ Church in Oberlin to serve elderly people, low-income families and homeless individuals.