Church of the Good Shepherd Berlin
Good Shepherd Berlin is a warm and Christ-centered multicultural community, celebrating its 118th anniversary this year. We pray that we will continue to be around for many years hence to be a faithful and growing Church that connects people to Jesus Christ.
We participate in several ministries, such as a Food Pantry (God’s Interfaith Food Table) that we do in conjunction with other churches in the Berlin area, collect and distribute school backpacks ad supplies to children in Berlin and the wider community, conduct clothing drives to support homeless shelters, and maintain a relationship with an offsite Twelve-Step group.
We have a growing Sunday School program where, in a fun and interactive way, we teach the Word of God and allow the Holy Spirit to work in the hearts of the children. We also have an Episcopal Church Women (ECW) chapter that meets regularly for fellowship and to help further our community outreach ministry.
We have a very gifted music minister who leads our worship in music. We invite you to visit and worship with us either in-person or online every Sunday at 9 a.m., as we live out our Mission:
To know Christ more fully,
To love and serve Him more faithfully,
To make Him better known to others.