2023 Young Adult and Campus Ministry Grant Recipient - Cheyenne River Episcopal Mission
Cheyenne River Episcopal Mission $8000
Diocese of South Dakota
Kaospe (Lakota for “horse in training,” pronounced kah-oh-spay)
The Cheyenne River Episcopal Mission respectfully requests a grant to support the Kaospe program, a vital project that seeks to establish a new ministry that will empower Lakota young adults from the Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation. With your critical support, we will partner with Lakota agencies dedicated to Lakota youth and young adults to provide the space, resources, and opportunities for Lakota young adults to train young horses, learn from Lakota elders, immerse themselves in Lakota Horse Culture, heal from historical and intergenerational trauma, and receive job training in the equine industry as marketable horse professionals. The separation of the Lakota people from their historical and cultural ties to Mother Earth and Sunka Wakan Oyate (The Horse Nation), have left the Lakota people vulnerable to astronomical rates of addiction, abuse, poverty and suicide. The goals of the Kaospe project will have a direct impact on redirecting young adults from at-risk behaviors and repairing trust between the Church and the Lakota community, offering healing and the gift of a welcoming Beloved Community. Through your generous support, the Kaospe project aims to instill hope, cultivate skills, and foster resilience among Lakota young adults, contributing to the restoration of cultural connections and the development of a thriving, empowered community. The lasting impact of Kaospe extends beyond personal development to directly contribute to the economic empowerment and professional opportunities for the Lakota young adults, ensuring a sustained positive influence on their lives well into the future.