St. George's Episcopal Church
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St. George’s is a young and vibrant community rooted in saving Gospel of Jesus Christ expressed through the theology and worship of the Anglican Church. The architecture of our historic Tudor-Norman style church is an apt reflection of who we hope to be: inspiring, diverse, welcoming, and spirit-filled. Please join us this Sunday and be a part of the Jesus Movement in Uptown New Orleans!
St. George's Has Been Serving the New Orleans Community since 1859.
Worship times
Dragon Cafe
Dragon Cafe is the oldest continuously operated feeding ministry in Uptown New Orleans. Come rain, shine, hurricane, or snow, St. George’s has offered a free, hot nutritious breakfast every Sunday since we started serving in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Free Breakfast for all people every Sunday, 8-9 am
Environmental Stewardship
God has entrusted us as caretakers of his creation. Our Eco-stewardship program seeks to harmonize the practices of our parish with the desire for a healthy and sustainable habitat for all God’s creatures. We also offer classes to the wider community on ecology and environmental protection.
News about St. George's Episcopal Church
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St. George’s Dragon Cafe: A place for food, fellowship, dignity, and love
From the outset, our mission has been to provide a place not only of food, but of fellowship, dignity, and love.
4600 St. Charles Avenue
New Orleans, LA 70115
United States