Offices of the Bishop
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“Making disciples, building congregations for the life of the world” is the vision and hope of the Episcopal Diocese of Missouri. It also is the daily journey of every person of faith and congregation.
Like any journey, it takes us to known destinations, as well as places we could not even begin to imagine. Some of the experiences are intensely personal, while others are engaged and celebrated by the entire community. Some result from instruction and active learning and others from patient waiting and listening. And, some of these experiences are intentional, while others percolate quite surprisingly.
Together, however, they mark our distinctive journey of faith, shape the people of God Christ would have us become and mold us into the community of his disciples, the Church – a process best described as Christian formation.
There are 42 congregations in the Diocese (30 are parishes and 12 are organized missions), campus ministry, and an intentional community (Deaconess Anne House, a part of the Episcopal Service Corps). A parish is financially self-supporting. Typically the lead minister at a parish is called a Rector, and at a mission, a Vicar.
Our bishop and ecclesiastical leader is the Rt. Rev. George Wayne Smith who is the tenth Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Missouri.
According to parochial reports in 2012, there are 12,144 active members in this diocese. The 21 churches in metropolitan St. Louis have about 76% of members. The Tables of Statistics for all dioceses in The Episcopal Church, including the Diocese of Missouri, are maintained online.
The 2015 Diocesan Operating Budget as passed by the 175th Diocesan Convention projected expenditures totaling $2,204,025.00.
In 2015 there were 125 ordained women and men canonically resident in the diocese, of whom 53 are retired, with an additional 23 licensed to officiate in this diocese. There are 18 persons in the ordination process.
The Bishop and Diocesan Council, an elected body, plan policy and recommend a budget for the program of the Diocese, which is approved each year at the annual Diocesan Convention.
There are six Convocation districts in the Diocese. The Members of Convention meet from time to time during the recess of Convention in district assemblies called Convocations. They are charged with: familiarize Convention delegates with proposed resolutions and diocesan goals and budget; to provide communication between delegates and Diocesan Council; to facilitate communication between Diocesan Council and Vestries/Bishop's Committees; to elect Diocesan Council members and to propose nominees for Standing Committee, Diocesan Council Members At Large, Cathedral Chapter and General Convention Deputies; and to promote Christian fellowship. Convocations determine their own structure and elect officers as needed.
The Diocese has had a companion relationship with the Diocese of Lui in southern Sudan since April 2006. The Diocese previously had a companion relationship with the Anglican dioceses of northern Nigeria and with the Diocese of Puerto Rico.
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2024 Episcopal Evangelism Grant Recipient - Bridging the Gap w/ Immigrant Students, Light to the Nations
More than 30 projects—ranging from digital ministries to art shows to immigrant outreach—have been approved for Episcopal Church evangelism grants totaling $123,800. The Executive Council’s Executive Committee approved the grants in December, benefiting dioceses across the U.S.
1210 Locust St.
St Louis, MO 63103
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