Trinity Episcopal Church, Central West End, St. Louis
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You are warmly invited to join our faith community in worship, fellowship, and outreach as we explore the spiritual dimensions of the life God has given us.
Trinity is an Episcopal Church in the Anglo-Catholic tradition. What does that mean? It means that our liturgy (worship style) is rooted in the ancient traditions of the church. We chant our prayers, use incense, bells, and colorful vestments, observe the Holy Days in our church calendar and enjoy beautiful choral music. But most of all, we believe that Jesus is found in the Bread and Wine at Communion, as well as among the people, especially the poor and vulnerable.
Trinity is a community. As a community we pray and study scripture together. We learn, and grow, and play together. We celebrate and eat together. A lot. We support and care for one another, and we share the love of Jesus with each other. As followers of Jesus' Way of Love, we are committed to social, racial, and economic justice. The Trinity community has been active in supporting LGBTQ+ rights, raising the minimum wage in Missouri, advocating for access to affordable health care, and proclaiming that Black Lives Matter.
Food Ministry
Founded 50 years ago, the mission of Trinity Food Ministry is to be as Christ in the midst of the people. When we do this for the “least of these” so we do it for Christ. We offer food to those who are hungry, give drink to those who thirst, offer basic clothes to those who are without, invite people to sit and rest, and tend to those who are sick. One of our primary concerns is that people do not have to choose food over other living expenses.
In 2019, we provided groceries for 9500 individuals, which equals 3800 Households. We served 7500 meals on week days. Our Sunday Hot Lunch, every Sunday 52 weeks each year, we served more than 4600 people.
People trust us to love them. In return, we are loved.
Children at Trinity
At Trinity, children of all ages are an important part of the community life. Sunday school (godly play) is offered every Sunday as well as professional child care. Of course, children are always welcome to attend Mass, and there's even a special "soft space" designed in our sanctuary especially for children and their caregivers. Each summer, Trinity offers a free back to school camp for children in the surrounding neighborhood and the wider parish community.
Worship times
Food Ministry Program
Over 35 years ago, responding to the need of those in the Central West End who were without food, Trinity began providing food assistance to our neighbors in need. Begun as a program which provided emergency food aid to those in need, Trinity now has a weekday food pantry which is open three days a week and a hot lunch program which serves a Sunday afternoon lunch. We receive financial support, donations of volunteer time, canned and boxed food, clothing and fresh vegetables from numerous individuals, faith communities, and organizations who together, allow this ministry to continue.
The Pantry
There was a time when the pantry served only four zip codes but we have grown and currently, anyone coming for food will be served in the pantry one time each month. We fill about 7,000 requests for food each year. Each member of a requesting family receives cabbage, potatoes, rice, oranges, margarine, eggs, and 4 cans of food (a meat, 2 vegetables, one fruit or soup). In addition, bread donated by St. Louis Bread Company is available. Laundry soap, cleaning supplies, toilet tissue, hand soap, shampoo, feminine products, tooth brushes and tooth paste are often requested and given as available.
A great addition to the food ministry is a parish nurse who is at the pantry every Wednesday taking blood pressures and consulting with clients about their health issues. We have worked out a procedure with Grace Hill Health Center so that clients who need to be seen by a physician immediately can be put in a taxi and sent there.
The Hot Lunch Program
The Hot Lunch primarily serves people who live near the parish and are able to walk to the church and is served every Sunday - 52 weeks a year. Each Sunday, a different community prepares a hot lunch to serve to our guests. Each community determines their own menu and in the past, we’ve had wonderful lunches consisting of lasagna, pulled pork sandwiches, various casseroles, fried chicken, chili, hotdogs, turkey and dressing, hamburgers, various vegetables, bread, fruit, cookies, cupcakes, chips, granola bars, brownies. We average 65 to 100 persons each Sunday.
News about Trinity Episcopal Church, Central West End, St. Louis
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Trinity Food Ministry at Trinity Episcopal Church
St Louis, MO
600 N Euclid Ave
Saint Louis, MO 63108-1606
United States