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Church of the Transfiguration

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The Church of the Transfiguration strives to welcome parishioners, newcomers and the community by embracing the ideals of Radical Hospitality and Infinite Respect. To this end:

We share an interfaith campus with the Etz Hayim Synagogue and engage in joint programs, such as lecture series, discussion groups, Elijah’s Table community dinners, and social events.

Transfiguration provides space for community groups including the Community Alliance for Teen Safety, South Central Health Network, Early Village Learning Center, Girl Scouts, AA , NA and occassionally The Greater Derry Food Council.

We have committed 0.7% of our budget to support the United Nations Millennium Development Goals to eradicate extreme poverty.

Worship times

10:00 am
Holy Communion with Hymns, followed by coffee hour
7:00 pm
Compline on Zoom

Volunteer opportunities

One time opportunities
Ongoing commitment opportunities


Elijah's Table & Mary Ellen's Breakfast

Meal Programs

We partner with our neighbor, Etz Hayim Synagogue, to provide a free meal each month and a breakfast every other month for our community. We are a member of the greater Derry-based Community Meals Network, a collaboration of 8 local organizations, all providing free community meals.

News about Church of the Transfiguration

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Christmas Services Christmas Eve 4:00 pm  Christmas Day 10:00 am
Church of the Transfiguration, Derry, NH

Christmas Services 2023

Celebrate Christmas with us at 4:00 pm on Christmas Eve and 10:00 am on Christmas Day.


1 Hood Road
Derry, NH 03038
United States



Rev. Dr. Marjorie Gerbracht

Priest In Charge

Organized groups

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)/Narcotics Anonymous/Twelve Step
Bible study
Episcopal Church Women (ECW)
Eucharistic Ministers/Visitors
Girl Scouts
Youth faith formation/Sunday school

Other community groups

Etz Hayim Synagogue
Community Meals Network
Community Alliance for Teen Safety
South Central Health Network
The Early Village Learning Center