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Episcopal Diocese of Northern Michigan - Diocesan Office

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The diocesan office is the headquarters for the Episcopal Diocese of Northern Michigan. Three people work here: the bishop, the operations coordinator and the bookkeeper.  Many diocesan meetings take place here.

Volunteer opportunities

One time opportunities
Ongoing commitment opportunities
Opportunities for mission groups

Volunteers welcomed for work in the community garden on site.



Creation Care/Community Gardens

131 E Ridge Street
Marquete, MI 49855
United States

Email address


Jane Cisluycis

Canon to the Ordinary

Alison Argall


Lydia Kelsey Bucklin

Canon for Vitality and Discipleship

Kathy Binoniemi

Communications Coordinator

Other community groups

Great Lakes Peace Center, Temple Beth Shalom, Northern Great Lakes Synod ELCA, Ripple Effect at NMU


Sacred Ground