St. James Episcopal Church
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Sharing ourselves and our faith with others…
St. James is a Christian Community that welcomes all with respect for the inherent dignity and value of every person.
We strive to enable spiritual growth through worship, education, outreach and stewardship for the purpose of
restoring all people to unity with God and each other.
Worship times
Sunday School
Red River, NM 2nd and 4th Wednesday 5:30pm Holy Eucharist, St. Edwin Catholic Church
Red River, NM 2nd and 4th Wednesday 5:30pm Holy Eucharist, St. Edwin Catholic Church
Volunteer opportunities
St. James has a Food Pantry Every Thursday, we provide food to 475 families on average. Last year we distributed 375 TONS of food to families in the Taos Area. We can always use volunteers to set up, offload the trucks, greet and serve our neighbors.
St. James Food Pantry
The St. James Food Pantry helps meet the needs of the Taos community by dispensing bags of food staples on Thursdays 12:30 to 4:00 PM to any and all who show up to receive food. We provide food to an average of 475 families every Thursday; each bag contains a selection of items that may include beans, rice, oatmeal, cans of food, and fresh produce. In 2018, the Food Pantry distributed more than 375 TONS of food.
Volunteers are needed each week to set up, offload the truck, greet and serve our neighbors.
Taos Youth Music School
The Taos Youth Music School is a free music program for the children of Taos and surrounding communities. The goal of the program is to provide a quality musical experience for all who participate. This goal is accomplished through a variety of methods, including group singing, rhythm and movement, music theory, Orff instruments, hand bells, and performances. St. James Church has been a sponsor since the school's inception.
Emergency Assistance
We provide emergency help with utilities bills, rental deposits, and other expenses to keep a life going during difficult times. A team of trained volunteers interview and discern need, so we can provide food or money to Taos people who find themselves in need of quick aid. A schedule of hours is kept for drop-in requests.
Thanksgiving and Easter Food Baskets
Just before Thanksgiving and Easter, boxes of food especially chosen for that holiday are assembled by members of our St. James community. These boxes are taken home by hundreds of low-income families, to make a fine holiday dinner. The baskets are filled and distributed by Food Pantry volunteers, plus a little extra help for these special holiday giving events.
The Giving Tree
Each Christmas many foster children in Taos County are recipients of gifts of clothing, books, toys, sporting goods, and even bikes and trikes, bought and giftwrapped by the members of St. James. The children are clients of the Taos office of New Mexico Children, Youth, and Family Department. The names of the children and the donors remain anonymous to each other. In the true spirit of Christmas, this continues to be a heartwarming outreach for all who participate.
Taos Youth Music School
Taos Youth Music School (TYMS) has been bringing kids and music together for over sixteen years. TYMS provides tuition-free music education and performance opportunities for fifty to sixty kindergarten through high school-age kids in Taos County each year. We welcome students from public, private and home-schools.
Students learn musical concepts, voice, and instrument training, as well as collaborative work in a band or choir setting. Students benefit from small class sizes and the individual attention of dedicated and highly qualified teachers. In a safe environment, kids are encouraged to explore their creativity and learn to make music with confidence and joy. The skills, interests, and passions they develop impact their studies and extra-curricular pursuits as well.
Emergency Assistance - Rector's Discretionary Fund
St. James offers emergency financial assistance to individuals and families in the Taos area on Monday and Tuesday mornings from 9:00 am - noon. Our goal is to ensure that families stay warm, fed and housed. We offer assistance with paying rent, utilities, or buying firewood to a family once every 12 months. In 2018 we assisted 551 families, disbursing $41,001, to local utilities or landlords. Families requesting assistance need to provide a Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Card or Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), photo ID and a bill, invoice or rental agreement. If qualified a check will be issued to the appropriate utility or landlord in the amount of $75.00.
Common Grounds
Founded in April 2016 in response to youth suicides in Taos, Common Grounds developed to provide "A safe haven by teens for teens, to socialize without danger and have access to healthy recreation.”
It is teen focused, managed by teens with adult support as needed and legally required.
Common Grounds is an emerging Youth Outreach Mission sponsored by St. James and Kit Carson Electric Co-Op. Students in a HS STEM Elective at Taos Academy Charter School are involved in the development of Common Grounds.
Sponsors are creating an off-site teen gathering place that includes a coffee house, meeting space, and activities. Additional ideas include:
- Teen focused "mini" Food Pantry
- Incidental/necessity items
- “Give/take” clothes closet for those who need things
- Laundry/Shower facilities
- Office Space for Counselors to meet clients
- Weekly “Teen Talk” Self Help Group
Common Grounds currently supports gatherings with Teen Talk every Wednesday evening, monthly overnight, supervised lock-ins, and various other activities at St. James such as referrals to professional counseling as needed and suicide intervention.
For additional information, go to, built by the participating teens.
Teen Talk / Talk About It
Teen Talk developed following the summer of four teen suicides in 2016. This group meets Wednesday evenings under the guidance of a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and a minister which serves as a source of support. Participation is open to all teens in the area. Currently, there is a core group of regulars attendees, most of whom are not active members of this, or any other, church. Over 40 teens have participated in the 30 months it has been active. A “First Wednesday Dinner” has been added to the program in which participants cook together and sit down for a meal.
News about St. James Episcopal Church
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The Episcopal Church responds to the New Mexico wildfires
The Hermit’s Peak/ Calf Canyon Fire began as two separate fires and merged into the largest fire in New Mexico’s history. Thousands of people from Santa Fe, San Miguel, Mora, Colfax, and Taos counties have been displaced.
208 Camino De Santiago
Taos, NM 87571
United States