St. Christopher Episcopal Church
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The Mission of St.Christopher is to restore all people to unity with God and each other in Christ.
Worship: Praising God through the sacraments in a musically diverse, relaxed atmosphere using traditional and contemporary services.
Spiritual Growth: Exploring God’s Word to enhance our family’s spiritual development.
Prayer: Believing in the power of prayer to address life’s challenges.
Acceptance: Respecting the diversity of all God’s people.
Christian Love: Sharing the Peace of Jesus Christ through pastoral care and outreach in our community, across the nation and in distant lands.
Youth Ministry: Encouraging our youth to follow Jesus Christ and take part in the ministry of the Church.
Fellowship: Praying, working, eating and playing together.
Worship times
Followed by fellowship and breakfast in the Welcome Center.
Family oriented service with Choir that reflects the Anglican tradition while engaging the community and their call into service.
Volunteer opportunities
Days for Girls
Sustainable feminine hygiene kits created for young women around the world.
Provide care, evangelism, and encouragement for the incarcerated.
Lay Eucharistic Visitors
Members trained to share Holy Communion with infirmed.
Lay Pastoral Assistants
Trained and certified ministers who assist with parishioner-to-parishioner pastoral care, by the supervision of the clergy.
Mission Trips
Adult and Family Mission Trips
Teams from our parish seek constantly to do God's work, either nearby or farther away. These trips often involve demanding labor, but provide plenty of opportunities for fellowship and care.
Living Water International Mission Nicaragua
Bring clean water and improved hygiene to the people of Central America.
Jr./Sr. High Summer Mission
Providence Garden & the Giving Trees Orchard
Community Garden, providing fresh organic produce to various non-profit organizations in League City.
Threads of Comfort
Prayer shawls and blankets, comfort items for those in need.
St. Christopher Thrift Shop
Tuesday through Friday, 10am - 1pm
Saturday, 10am - 4pm
Owned and managed by the Women of St. Christopher, established in 1958
International Relationships
Living Water International
Our International Mission - Served many communities in Central America
News about St. Christopher Episcopal Church
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Providing relief after Hurricane Laura
In the aftermath of Hurricane Laura, the Episcopal Diocese of Texas worked with Episcopal Relief & Development to provide temporary housing to storm evacuees and distribute tarps, nails, toiletries, non-perishable foods and other supplies to families in need.
2508 St Christopher Ave
League City, TX 77573-4258
United States