St. Thomas, Dupont Circle
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Founded 1891 in Dupont Circle, an Episcopal church welcoming all across the spectrum of society.
An inclusive, bilingual congregation in the heart of the nation’s capital, our life and service together centers upon God’s radical hospitality, inviting us to be fed at God’s table in the Holy Eucharist so that we in turn can help feed a world hungry for grace, justice, and reconciliation.
The mission statement of our parish is:
As St. Thomas′ Parish, we are followers of Jesus, striving
to see Christ in each person, and to be Christ in our community, our city, and our world.
Through our liturgy, music, community life, opportunities for spiritual growth, and active care for the least among our neighbors, we strive to see Christ alive in our world, and to be Christ for others, as we model courageous love, compassionate justice, and self-giving service.
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News about St. Thomas, Dupont Circle
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Episcopal Young Adults to host Presiding Bishop Michael Curry at St. Thomas’ Dupont Circle Jan 24 2020
St. Thomas’ Parish hosts an evening with our Presiding Bishop Michael Curry on behalf of Episcopal Diocese of Washington Young Adults!
RSVP at the link attached:
1517 18th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036-1327
United States