2023 Young Adult and Campus Ministry Grant Recipient - New Episcopal Campus Ministry at NMU: Sacred Space
New Episcopal Campus Ministry at NMU: Sacred Space $4000
Diocese of Northern Michigan
New Episcopal Campus Ministry at NMU: Sacred Space
This is a simple grant request. We need grocery money to cook dinners with students who attend a combined campus ministry at Northern Michigan University. The Episcopal Diocese of Northern Michigan does not have a presence or a ministry established yet at Northern Michigan University. In Houghton, two hours away, at Michigan Tech, there is a trust-supported campus ministry at Canterbury House, staffed by Rick Stanitis, long-time campus minister. NMU does not yet have an established Episcopal presence. We are closer, though, with our invitation into a combined campus ministry group comprised of Methodists, Lutherans, and now Episcopalians. Because of these affiliations, it is time to get serious about establishing Episcopal Campus Ministry at NMU. Getting serious means contributing to an existing combined ministry budget which is managed by Wesley Campus Ministry while visioning and laying a foundation for Episcopal Campus Ministry to exist. The reality is this: we need help keeping some plates spinning financially until we can spin the plates ourself. We are building the plane while flying. There is much to learn. We need funds so that we don’t crash before we even get off the ground.