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St. George's Episcopal Church

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St. George's Episcopal Church (in Germantown, Tennessee, a suburb of Memphis) has been a pillar of the Germantown faith community for more than 80 years.Our mission statement says much about who and what we are: "Gather, Discover, Serve." We gather at God's Table, We share a journey of discovery. We rejoice in serving others through the grace of God in Christ.

Our ministries are rich, and offer many opportunities to engage the Gospel in the whole of our being. Worship is a cornerstone of our common life; we invite worshippers to engage all of their senses as they take in the beauty of God's creation surrounding our campus, in hearing the Holy Scriptures and the Word of God proclaimed, and in lifting their voices together in prayer and in singing. Opportunities abound for parishioners to serve in our many worship ministries - from our choirs, to our wind and brass ensemble, Sanctifica, to our lectors and Eucharistic Ministers, to our ushers and greeters, to our Altar Guild and Flower Guild. Music plays a large part in our Sunday morning worship experience. Our choirs support our congregational singing, and offer anthems and special music to help us engage God's holy Word. Our Sanctifica ensemble, and other guest musicians, offer special music to enhance our worship. Our guitar/vocal folk ensemble, Exsultamus!, also is part of our vibrant music ministry team, providing music for some of our evening worship services during the year.

Sent forth from God's Table nourished by the Body and Blood of our Lord, Jesus Christ, we go out into the world to serve our sisters and brothers in need. Dozens of parishioners volunteer at a nearby elementary school to help 2nd graders improve their reading skills; many others are involved in helping to provide shelter, meals and fellowship to the homeless during the winter months through the Room in the Inn ministry. Each month we serve meals to neighbors in need at More Than a Meal, and we deliver Meals on Wheels monthly. The Arcade at St. George's, now in its 44th year, creates the opportunity for the entire St. George's community to come together to sponsor a community weekend which has raised more than $550,000 for ministry groups throughout the Memphis area.

Christian Formation occurs not only on Sunday morning, but throughout the week, as we seek to enrich our lives through Bible and book study groups, speaker series, and Education for Ministry. Our Children and Family Ministries team offers formation opportunities for the youngest among us on Sunday mornings and once monthly on Wednesday evenings. Our Pastoral Care team members support those who are ill, bereaved or home-bound with cards, meals, visits and other assistance. Our Knitting Ministry knits prayer shawls which are given to those who need that special touch of love and concern - and to know that they are wrapped in the prayers of many. Lay Eucharistic Visitors help the clergy take Communion to those who are unable to be with us on Sunday mornings, and our Flower Guild also helps in delivering flowers to those who could use a bouquet to brighten their day.Fellowship groups for families, young adults and other adults meet regularly, to allow all of us to get to know and support one another.

Worship times

8:30 am
Rite II
10:30 am
Rite II


St. George's Episcopal Preschool

Children and Youth Ministries

Now in its 25th year, St. George's Episcopal Preschool offers an outstanding preschool experience for young children in our community. Our highly-experienced and dedicated teachers provide stimulating learning environments for our children - and prepare them well for the years of education which lie ahead. Children receive Chapel instruction weekly from our clergy, and all-school Chapel services offered once each month allow parents the opportunity to share in a simple time of worship and prayer with their children.

2425 S Germantown Rd
Germantown, TN 38138-5946
United States



Eileen Fields

Parish Administrator for Operations and Finance

Stephen Karr

Director of Music Ministry

Karrie LaCroix

Director of Children, Family and Youth Ministry

Whitney Boyd

Finance Office Assistant

Sarah Bettendorf

Preschool Directory

Organized groups

Adult faith formation
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)/Narcotics Anonymous/Twelve Step
Bible study
Daughters of the King
Education for Ministry (EFM)
Eucharistic Ministers/Visitors
Lay pastoral care (e.g. Stephen Ministry, Community of Hope)
Men's group
Youth faith formation/Sunday school
Youth group